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Digital workforces require innovative ways to communicate. One of the leading applications that organizations are turning to as a method of communicating is the application, “Slack”.
Slack is a great tool. It is used within organizations, and outside of organizations. It is great for networking, fostering community and also great for quick instant messages, huddles and team collaboration. Full of great things, there are aspects of business communication that should be left outside of Slack.

  1. Performance-based Conversations
    Even if you are having a conversation with your human resources representative or another member of management about employee performance, you should eliminate having any conversation in
    When discussing an employee’s performance, or lack thereof, there are times where a manager needs to brainstorm. These particular brainstorming sessions do not need to be memorialized by being in writing. Pick up the phone, hop on a zoom, or meet in person.
  2. Project Assignments
    Assigning projects is often met with lots of questions. When a manager makes the decision to assign a project through a medium such as slack they are assuming that either the employee will have no questions, or that their instructions are so clear that questions aren’t needed. Neither are true.
    When assigning an employee a project, you should meet in person to facilitate a space where they have the confidence to ask questions as they feel appropriate. When you rapid fire assign projects to an employee, they only have the space to ingest, much less ask any questions.
  3. Employee Status Changes
    When you make any sort of change to an employee’s employment status, such as promotions, demotions, transfers, or terminations, it is best to communicate these changes in a face-to-face setting. These changes can have a significant impact on employee performance, career and emotional well-being. And discussing them through written messages may come across as impersonal or insensitive.
    Taking the time to have a face-to-face conversation or scheduling a video call can provide a more empathetic and supportive environment for discussing such sensitive matters. It allows the manager to convey the reasoning behind the decision, address any concerns or questions the employee may have, and offer guidance or support during the transition.
  4. Confidential Information
    When dealing with confidential information, it is crucial to exercise caution and avoid discussing sensitive matters on Slack (or any written platform!!!)
    Confidential information can include sensitive company strategies, financial data, customer details, legal matters, or any other information that should not be shared widely within the organization or with external parties. Instead, consider using more secure communication channels, such as encrypted emails or dedicated collaboration platforms with enhanced security features, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the information.
    Slack can be a great asset when it comes to instant messaging and conveying communication quickly across a team, department or even organization-wide. That said… for some things, it is beneficial to “cut some slack” so that you may be able to maintain the integrity of relationships and remove an area of unnecessary personal interpretation.

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